House, Dark Root, Oregon
Maggie stood before her mother, knees shaking.
Miss Sasha had her firm face on, the expression she wore when there was
no debating the matter. Maggie looked to her sisters for help. Ruth Anne and
Merry were already pleading her case, while Eve twirled the ends of her hair
nervously. Maggie glowered at Eve. It was her fault she was in this mess in the
first place.
“Now, don’t you think I’d know if there was something haunting my own
house?” Miss Sasha put her hands on her ample hips and the layers of excess
flesh caused a mild wave that rippled from buttocks to breasts. “Are you saying
I’m not that talented? Is that what you are saying?”
“Leave da girl alone, Sasha,” Aunt Dora chimed in. “She’s jus’ a kid
wit an active imagination. As I recall ya had an imagination like dat when ya
was little.”
Miss Sasha turned towards her younger sister and narrowed her eyes.
“Now, now, Dora. I’m not in the mood.”
“But there is something in there,” Maggie insisted, pointing to the
nursery door. “Ask Eve.” Maggie nudged her younger sister but Eve just lowered
her eyes and said nothing. She was probably more frightened of their mother
than of anything that might live in her bedroom.
“I'm getting this out of you once and for all,” Miss Sasha said,
grabbing Maggie by the elbow. Maggie planted her heels into the carpet, trying
to make herself immovable, but her mother outweighed her twice over. “You will
stay in there until you’re not afraid anymore. When you can tell me, honestly,
that there is nothing inside the room I will let you out.”
“No, Mother!” Maggie’s eyes grew wide as Miss Sasha threw open the
Ruth Anne and Merry begged their mother to stop while Eve cowered
behind Aunt Dora.
“It’s just a room...you’ll see. And you’ll thank me for it later.” Miss
Sasha continued to drag Maggie into the nursery, past the crib, the toddler
bed, and the old rocking chair. With one hand still on Maggie’s arm, she
partially unscrewed the light bulb overhead, so that, except for the light
coming in from the hall, the room was dark.
Maggie could make out the shapes of the toys around her––dolls, teddy
bears, and blocks. A clown doll on the top shelf seemed to smile at her,
causing goose bumps to rise on her legs. Maggie dug her nails into her mother’s
arm and begged her to reconsider.
Miss Sasha shook her head. “It’s for your own good.”
With that, she marched out of the room and locked the door from the
“What are you doing?” Maggie could hear Ruth Anne in the hall. “You’re
“Please, Mama, let her out,” Merry pleaded. “I’ll talk to Maggie. She
won’t make up any more stories.”
“I’m done discussing this. That child’s imagination needs to be reigned
Maggie stood in the dark room, listening as her family’s footsteps
disappeared down the hall. She gasped as the temperature dropped, the cold air
closing in around her.
“Maggie,” Eve’s voice said from the other side of the door.
Maggie rushed towards the door and lay down, peeking under the large
gap. She was nose to nose with her sister. “Evie...please tell Mother I’m not
lying. Please tell her about the voices you hear in the nursery. Or about how
you wake up bruised sometimes.”
“Mom says they are just nightmares,” Eve said. “If I tell her again, I
will get in trouble.”
Maggie was exasperated.
She was here because she had been trying to convince her mother that
Eve needed to be moved into the attic with the rest of them. There was
something ‘bad’ in the nursery and it was getting worse since Maggie had moved
out of the room. But under their mother’s inquisition, Eve wasn’t brave enough
to back her up. And now Eve was free, while she was trapped.
Without warning, the room began to vibrate. Maggie could feel her
cheeks rumble against the bedroom floor. She widened her eyes as she pushed her
hands down to make it stop. Instead, the trembling increased, sending small
waves across the room.
“Do you feel that?” Maggie whispered.
“Eve, unlock the door. Please. Please.” The entire room was shaking
now, knocking toys onto the floor. Maggie could hear the crash of dolls and
blocks around her and she covered her head with one hand to protect her face.
“Unlock the door!”
Eve stood and Maggie could hear the jiggle of the doorknob. “Hurry,
Eve, hurry.”
A book bounced off the wall above her, dropping down just inches from
Maggie’s face. The jiggling on the handle continued, then suddenly stopped.
“Did you unlock it?”
Eve began to cry. “I can’t. I’m afraid...”
Maggie’s heart stopped as her sister’s soft footsteps raced through the
hallway, and down the staircase. The light in the hall suddenly went out, and
except for a dim light coming in from the small, high window, Maggie was in the
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