June 16, 2014

Meandering Monday

A marvelous Monday, yet I feel lost.
So much to do this week and I'm not sure where to get started.
I have a book launch party on Wednesday, a book blog tour I'm getting ready for, a book Im currently writing (you'd think writers would have an easier life right? sitting around eating bon bons in between commercials) and a yard sale on Saturday.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not complaining. Life is good.
There was a time in my life when I was going to school AND being a parent. There were even times in my life where I was homeless and not sure where my next meal would come from. I'm not sure how I got through that. But I did.
Now I fret over which incredibly
amazing task I have to conquer each day.
For now, I will stare at my cat as he's staring out the window.
He's longing to be outside, and I'm just cozy and happy, glad to be inside.


  1. I'm you are April. I wouldn't change anything in your past, it made you great!


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